Subject Visit to revamped Higgins Gallery & Museum
June Barnes and Museum guide
May 22, 2013


The Cecil Higgins Gallery and the Bedford Museum have been close for refurbishment for probably over two years. The combined and revamped site has reopened as THE HIGGINS and we are amongst the first groups to see the new displays. A guided tour took us through the Ceramics , Glassware and then onto Watercolours and Linoprints.

The focus of the museum display was on famous Bedfordians and included individuals from Bunyan through Trevor Huddlestone to the present day.

The updating has included more work on the cataloging and indexing of items which has resulted in better descriptions of the display items as well as a searchable database.

Copy of Fire engine colour

A search for Sharnbrook related items will certainly include the fire engine which proudly stands in the entrance foyer